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Doctoral Thesis

Stereotomic Models in Architecture: 
Introducing Hierarchical Porosity in Architectural and Structural Design

Castellón, J.J. (2018)

Chapters in Books

Experimental Models of Space, Materials, and Structure

In "Matters of Abstraction: Intermediating Objects". 2023

Circular Prototypes: F.E.W. Rooftop Infrastructures

In "Seoul Biennale Blueprints". 2021

Folding Augmented: A design method to integrate structural folding in architecture

In "6OSME". 2015

Structural Models in Architectural Education

In "Structures and Architecture. A Viable Urban Perspective?". 2022

Performative Porosity

In "Thermodynamic Interactions". 2017. Edited by Actar Publishers

Architectural Space, Structural Hollowness

In "Space of Production". 2015

The Rooftop and the Shelter

In "Crossroads, Building the Resilient City, Data Book Seoul Biennale of Architecture and Urbanism". 2021


In "AP164: Ábalos & Herreros". 2016

Scientific Papers

Segmental Ceramic Hollow Structures: Prefabricated posttensioned columns for ecological urban infrastructures.

Castellón, J.J. Chen, T. (2024).

Mixed Reality Holographic Models for the Interactive and Synergetic Exploration of Space Structures in Architectural Design and Education

Castellón González, J. J., Mishra, A., Xu, G., Garcia, J.D.V., Tsekos, N.V. (2024).

Building Ecosystems: Hybrid Materialities for Collective Urban Infrastructures

Castellón, J. J. (2023)

Structural Models in Architectural Education: Experimental Explorations Between the Physical and the Digital Realms

Castellón, J.J. (2022).

F.E.W. Structural Prototypes: Retrofitting residential buildings with ecological rooftop infrastructures

Castellón, J.J., D’Acunto, P., Bertagna, F., Lopez Cardozo, . (2021)

Design of Prestressed Gridshells as Smooth Polyhypar Surface Structures

Cao, T., D’Acunto, P., Castellón, J.J., Tellini, A., Schwartz, J., Zhang, H. (2021)

Form-Driven Design of a Bending-Active Tensile Façade System

Boulic, L., D’Acunto, P., Bertagna, F., Castellón, J.J. (2020)

Constructing Structural Concepts by Means of Physical Models

Vrontisi, M., Castellón, J.J., D’Acunto, P., Enrique, Ll., Schwartz, J. (2018)

Constructing Equilibrium: A Methodological Approach to Teach Structural Design in Architecture

Vrontisi, M., Castellón, J.J., D’Acunto, P., Schwartz, J., Enrique, Ll. (2018)

Stereotomic Models in Architecture: A generative design method to integrate spatial and structural parameters through the application of subtractive operations

Castellón, J.J., D’Acunto, P. (2016)

foldKITE: An Ultra-Lightweight Folded Structure

D’Acunto, P., Castellón, J.J, Tellini, A., Ren, S. (2015)

Cellular Ceramics: Reinforced brick construction in the digital age

Castellón, J.J. (2012).





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